
Tom’s enthusiasm and passion are contagious. His emphasis on creating and building connection, his invitation to learn with the child by following the child’s curiosity and sense of wonder, coupled with his dynamic, creative, thoughtful ideas, is nothing short of a magical experience. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and understanding!

Paola Flórez

Peconic Community School, NY

In the words of one teacher, “This was the most practical PD I have ever participated in.”

Your ability to convey thoughtful ideas and strategies that can be applied directly in the classroom is truly commendable. We believe that the knowledge and inspiration you shared will have a lasting positive effect on both our teachers and the children they nurture.

Thank you for your dedication to improving education, and for being a partner in our professional development event.

Shevy Kogan

Ganeinu Academy, NY

I attended one of Tommaso’s workshops and I carry with me still the tenets of creativity, community, and making learning a curious and joyful experience for both learner and facilitator.
This workshop will change how you look at learning, how you engage with your learning community and how to honor the gift of curiosity and creativity which make each of us uniquely special.

Sally Byrnes-Swiatek

A Little Patch of Earth, Newhall, CA

Dear Tommaso, Thank you so much for sharing your work with our school community. The power and beauty of the metaphors you share were exactly what we needed to inspire and evolve our commitment and work with children and families.


The Curriculum Team

Google Children's Centers

Tommaso Lana is one of the most dynamic, engaging presenters I have ever encountered.
I have attended several of his workshops, and each time I’m amazed at the freshness and accessibility of his ideas and approaches.

Maureen Leary

Smithsonian Institution, National Postal Museum, Washington DC

While attending the Embodied Learning virtual workshop, the gears in my mind were turning, inspired, and creating. Tommaso’s enthusiasm is captivating, and I’m so excited to learn how I will apply what I’ve learned not only to my virtual work with children but to my practice in the classroom.


Christine Beierly

Early Childhood Educator, Google Children's Centers

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I'll be in touch within 48 hours to schedule an introductory call with you and learn more about your professional development needs and interests.

If you prefer to call:
+1 929-262-8555